Published: Thursday, September 20, 2012, 8:15 AM
By Mike Kelley
DECATUR, Alabama - Calhoun Community College President Marilyn Beck welcomed a small crowd of perhaps 100 who turned out for Wednesday's opening of the Alabama Center of Excellence in Clean Energy Technology, telling them the new facility would serve a key role in putting Alabama on the map in the growing renewable energy field.
Beck said the renovated more than 30-year old facility will serve as a state and national model for clean and renewable energy. A $3.47 million Department of Labor grant funded its renovation to Leadership in Energy Efficient Design (LEED) Platinum standards, the highest energy-efficiency designation awarded by the U.S. Green Building Council.
It was a bright, sunshiny day. ACECET Director Jerry Adams pointed to the large solar arrays that shaded parts of the parking lot, joking that the sunshine would be great for the energy generation. He called completion of the facility "the fulfillment of a dream, to have a place where students could learn about energy developments today and tomorrow."
"With this facility, we can teach these technologies today," he said.
Designed to be a virtual showcase for renewable energy, the 11,000 square foot facility features a 20 KW solar array that can supply up to 80% of the building's energy needs. The southeast's most extensive underground geothermal system will also provide renewable energy. LED lighting is used throughout.
It all adds up to what Adams said should be up to a 51% reduction in normal energy usage compared to similar-sized buildings.
A rainwater collection system captures and reused water for flushing toilets and other purposes. Calhouns says the building interior is healthier due to the use of specail low VOC paints and carpeting.
Frank Barnes, Alabama Post-secondary Education Facilities Coordinator, termed the renovation project "an example of what we need to doing with buildings throughout the country.
The ACECET facility houses a program without equal in the state, where students can get training in green technology and renewable energy credit and continuing education courses. No targeting just traditional students, the courses are available to unemployed incumbent workers, and employees of HVAC and other businesses.
The goal of the program, said Beck, is to meet regional needs for energy-certified practitioners in such growing areas as energy assessment and energy-efficient installation. It's the first of its kind in Alabama leading to an industry-recognized certification, and the first accredited training center in Alabama.
Industry advisor Tom Buckle said the program began from a series of meetings in 2009 that revealed Alabama to be near the bottom in all 50 states in renewable energy. Those meetings led to application for the Calhoun grant, one of only 55 granted nationally in more than 1400 proposals submitted, to renovate the facility.
Published: Thursday, September 20, 2012, 8:15 AM
By Mike Kelley
DECATUR, Alabama - Calhoun Community College President Marilyn Beck welcomed a small crowd of perhaps 100 who turned out for Wednesday's opening of the Alabama Center of Excellence in Clean Energy Technology, telling them the new facility would serve a key role in putting Alabama on the map in the growing renewable energy field.
Beck said the renovated more than 30-year old facility will serve as a state and national model for clean and renewable energy. A $3.47 million Department of Labor grant funded its renovation to Leadership in Energy Efficient Design (LEED) Platinum standards, the highest energy-efficiency designation awarded by the U.S. Green Building Council.
It was a bright, sunshiny day. ACECET Director Jerry Adams pointed to the large solar arrays that shaded parts of the parking lot, joking that the sunshine would be great for the energy generation. He called completion of the facility "the fulfillment of a dream, to have a place where students could learn about energy developments today and tomorrow."
"With this facility, we can teach these technologies today," he said.
Designed to be a virtual showcase for renewable energy, the 11,000 square foot facility features a 20 KW solar array that can supply up to 80% of the building's energy needs. The southeast's most extensive underground geothermal system will also provide renewable energy. LED lighting is used throughout.
It all adds up to what Adams said should be up to a 51% reduction in normal energy usage compared to similar-sized buildings.
A rainwater collection system captures and reused water for flushing toilets and other purposes. Calhouns says the building interior is healthier due to the use of specail low VOC paints and carpeting.
Frank Barnes, Alabama Post-secondary Education Facilities Coordinator, termed the renovation project "an example of what we need to doing with buildings throughout the country.
The ACECET facility houses a program without equal in the state, where students can get training in green technology and renewable energy credit and continuing education courses. No targeting just traditional students, the courses are available to unemployed incumbent workers, and employees of HVAC and other businesses.
The goal of the program, said Beck, is to meet regional needs for energy-certified practitioners in such growing areas as energy assessment and energy-efficient installation. It's the first of its kind in Alabama leading to an industry-recognized certification, and the first accredited training center in Alabama.
Industry advisor Tom Buckle said the program began from a series of meetings in 2009 that revealed Alabama to be near the bottom in all 50 states in renewable energy. Those meetings led to application for the Calhoun grant, one of only 55 granted nationally in more than 1400 proposals submitted, to renovate the facility.